In the late 90's my wife bought me a Zoom 707II multi effects guitar pedal. Some music shop guy talked her into it. It was a good call, the idea of a "programmable" effects pedal was far more appealing to me than collecting Boss pedals and chaining them together like my mate did. I had a lot of fun with that pedal, it really opened up my eyes as to what sounds you could get out of a guitar, I dropped two songs I had recorded through it in this post.
Fast forward twenty five years, and I have ordered yet another Zoom G1 Four as a birthday present for a young guitarist I know. I own 3 of the "FOUR" series pedals - a G1 which I bought shortly after they were released circa 2020, an A1 and a B1. Talking specifically about the G1:
- It has a built in tuner. Set the output to mute while tuning, just mash the two pedals together and you get a really easy to use tuner that just takes a moment to retune between a song. It's not a mic so there is no interference from a noisy room. You can be standing up in the dark and those friendly red/green lights tell you exactly what you need to know. It is an absolute bedrock foundation that you need to be playing in tune, with this tool there is no excuse. The pedal is almost worth it for this alone...
- It has many built in "patches" that are inspiring and change the way you play. It's the kid-in-a-candy store thing; you will play more, because you are having fun, and there are so many delightful surprises to be found. It can make you sound like all the famous guitar legends, and while you might not use them in the long run, anything that keeps you playing, learning, developing - is a good thing.
- It has all the basic effects that you need and you can stack up to five together. For example, the main patch I use when I'm strumming my acoustic with a pick has a compressor, an equaliser, a tape echo and reverb. Notice that is for my acoustic, not an electric! An effect is an effect regardless of what is plugged into it, so if you are looking for a limiter, a gate, various type of overdrives and distortions, delays, reverbs - they are there.
- It has metronome, drum sequences and basic looping. Not something that I need, but it's there.
- I love that I can plug it into my computer and using the aftermarket application ToneLib-Zoom I can tweak while I play through headphones. But that's the nerdy engineer in me.
- I have programmed several different patches to suit the different live sounds I need, I can just tap my foot and go between them.
- Whilst you can buy the X version and it has an expression pedal, that's never really been my thing - the 707II had one - I don't need one right now, but I understand why you would want one.
The main use for my G1 is to give my acoustic guitar a bit of character when it is played over a PA; and as a live setting tuner. Whilst I would say that when recording the acoustic I would only use microphones, and maybe some very minor shaping of the sound in post, when you are playing live you need that shaping to go live straight to the deck. And I have massaged the shape over many sessions to best fit the room. I could have achieved the same thing with a dedicated acoustic pedal with knobs, but for a better price I get an extremely configurable pedal that can do the same and a heap more.
Now sound modelling has been popular for a long time now, and it does that too. It has effects for simulating well known amplifiers and cabinets, so you can chain that into your patch. I've never been heavy into guitar tone, being that I've mainly only played nylon string, so I didn't much care for those effects. But I did think about how I could get some acoustic modelling, so I bought the A1 Four, designed for acoustic instruments. I played with it for a bit but didn't really "get it". What I found however is it came with a pre-amp (the cylinder + wire thing in the photo above), I could pipe my son's saxophone mic through it. And it has patches for saxophone, and they are pretty good! I still find I need to compress saxophones more than what is built into the patch - hmm, I should dial in some more compression for him - but out of the box it really sweetens the tenor sax tone. So I stuck with my G1 Four and let him have the A1 Four.
And finally, my daughter plays in a rock band and they play a lot of originals, I remember seeing them one night and the weather was cold terrible, when they started playing they were hopelessly out of tune because they had only roughly tuned while in a warm room. They had to stop mid song and retune, it was shameful, ha ha! So my cure was to buy her the B1 Four - the bass guitar version - so she could always quickly check her tuning. And then she can dial in some overdrive and other shaping, to experiment with sounds and unleash creativity!
Which brings me back to why I ordered another G1 Four - the lead guitarist in her band plays through whatever effects the amp she plugs into has. And also suffers from tuning issues. Armed with a G1 Four I'm hoping she can spend time dialling in tones that suit her music and it inspires her creativity in song writing.
Possibly I have mostly been talking up that the Zoom FOUR series are good tuners. Well they are...and so much more!